Ravenous Link to Bungie.net file Link to Forge Hub thread See thread for more pictures: [IMG]
[IMG] “Greed conquers. Only the most ambitious will survive in this warzone. They say to keep your friends close, and your enemies closer but you...
Crank Bungie download link Forgehub Thread [IMG]
[IMG] “A construction disaster forced this maintenance port to be abandoned. The docking station is hidden away in the shadow of a canyon far...
I'd suggest combine the two threads and just have two download links at the bottom of the thread. Just a add a blurb in the map description about...
For those of you who don't know (see above) the LHC is the largest(?) particle accelerator in the world and who's sole purpose is to accelerate...
You might want to try using the team-colour setting for each quadrant to help players distinguish their location. Right now it seems as if it...
Ok so I downloaded it and ran around it this morning for a bit and I must say that it is just as awesome in person as the pictures make it out to...
Wow, this is really nice just to look at haha. I saw the little frag grenade props and just stared at them trying to figure out what they were......
Your sig said Click Me but I defied it. Take that, Internet!
You really did a good job on recreating the Mario Party look because I recognized the layout before I read the description. Nice work You should...
Please do not re-post your map... I don't know if this is double-posting or necro-posting but I'm almost positive this is against the rules. The...
It looks alright for not much interlocked and that's perfectly fine but if you choose to not interlock I would just recommend this one thing:...
Ok so your pictures are currently not working but they were at some point I think... I'm just speculating but I think what you did is you posted...
Um I'm guessing from the layout and weapon list that this is probably MLG? But ya, the custom powerup looks like it'd be a 2 layer OS like usual...
I'll queue this to take a closer look but I noticed a few things off the bat: -MLG frowns on shield doors (take 'em out) -interlocking is...
The signs are fine the way they are. Onslaught is the only map that follows that format. The other MLG Foundry map, Amplified uses A and B signs...
That looks really cool but to me all the pictures look the same, maybe it's just the colouring or the angles... I suggest taking off the roof for...
Mk, that makes sense, I hate that random burning glitch... Sometimes I wonder if Bungie did that on purpose
I got a question for Fritzer, or Kon I guess... But why did you put an OS on the map? (Unless I have the wrong version) There is an OS floating...