GamerTag : Zaelkyria [IMG]
Zaelkyria submitted a new map: Krònos - Forerunner themed 2v2 map. Here it is. My first Halo 5 forge map. This map is for the 2v2 Forge...
Here it is. My first Halo 5 forge map. This map is for the 2v2 Forge contest. Krònos It is a 2v2 competitive map, with a Forerunner theme. The...
OMG. I'm so bad. You're right.
Zaelkyria submitted a new map: Crystal Frontier - BLACK GARDEN | Ishtar Sink, Venus. "Evil so dark, it despites other evil." Hi everyone ! So,...
Hi everyone ! So, I forged another map before Halo 5, it's called "Crystal Frontier". It has a Vex theme from Destiny. This map is primarely...
Zaelkyria submitted a new map: High Charity - " The Demon has infiltrated the Council Chamber ?! Protect the Hierarchs ! Seal the exits ! " -...
Hi everyone ! My latest map, High Charity. Probably my last map on the MCC. I was challenged for that Forge, and I'm not really proud of me. I...
I absolutely love how you make reliefs without Cliffs, it looks really great.
Another update for BTB Phyria : - Added 2 Gungeese (60s) - More accessible for Warthogs - Added 2 Plasma grenades - Better framerate (still...
Zaelkyria updated BTB Phyria with a new update entry: BTB Phyria v3 Read the rest of this update entry...
Zaelkyria submitted a new map: Forerunner Dreadnought - Dreadnoughts were a mainstay capital ship in the Forerunners' fleets during the...
I finally created a spaceship on the MCC ! A Forerunner Dreadnought. It didn't take a long time to build it, but I loved doing it. I am very...
Update for BTB Phyria : - Better framerate (but still drops) - Better spawns - Some structure changes
Zaelkyria updated BTB Phyria with a new update entry: BTB Phyria v2 Read the rest of this update entry...
I tried everything, like deleting the Forerunner structures, but nothing changes ... Maybe I have to re-build some parts of the map, I'll see. It...
Zaelkyria submitted a new map: BTB Phyria - A mid-scaled BTB map, for infantry and Warthogs. Here's my new map called BTB Phyria. It's a...
Here's my new map called BTB Phyria. It's a symmetrical 8v8 map, playable in Slayer, CTF and Assault. I'm started this map 2 or 3 months ago, I...
Here's my new aesthetic map, Hierarchs' Tribunal.<br />Hope you'll enjoy it ! <br /> To download it, add me ( GT : Zaelkyria ), and search for the...
Zaelkyria submitted a new map: Amethyst - Small competitive 4 vs 4 symmetrical map. Hi everyone ! :P Amethyst [img] Map canevas : Forge...