Original post has been updated with the good link to the map on my fileshare. And updated the first picture and the overview screenshot
Thanks SpinCycle for your feedback, it was such a good help. I know made my 3th version of the map, I completely changed the floor to give height...
Well I think that 12 people on the map is possible but it would be very full. 4v4 is the perfect team sizes that's why I did put Exodus in the 4v4...
I've changed the original post to the right link and changed the sniper to rail gun. Yeah I'd love toplay it with you, the only problem is that I...
I've updated the screenshots. And to Tom Mulks, did you play it already?
After I played a match with Zandrill we saw that there were some things that needed to be changes, like it's to open on some spaces. I've changed...
I've changed some things on the map, it's now called Exidus V1. I've changed and removed some things so players have better sight and the map is...
'm happy to announce my third, and maybe the best competitive map (in my opinion) i've made. Exidus is a small map perfect for CTF and 4v4 slayer,...
I've updated the screenshots so you can see the updated and better version of the map!
I've walked around the map with Landderp, and I got to say that it looks really nice! The map is builded so simple and it's also very small, but...
Radix is a symmetrical small map with close combat. The map is in a shape of a octagon and is build so you can walk fluid trough the entire map...
Global is a s 4vs4 small-medium sized map. There are two bases on the opposite of each other and one building on the side of the map. Furthermore...