Idk, it's just the first thing that came to my mind
Thanks for the feedback man, i appreciate it
Hey man, I tried your map and it was pretty fun... The only "bad" thing for me is the teleporter in the spawn zone, I think that you shouldn't be...
This map looks great! Love the look of the building in the middle. I'll give it a try this afternoon and I'll let you know asap
Wow man, this map looks great! If you wanna make a little playtest let me know... I'd really like to try this out
The structure is completly closed... I just deleted the walls to show the map better
Hey man! I'm glad you've finally registered... Welcome!
Here it is [IMG] Side view [IMG] Top view [IMG] And another 3/4 veiw Hope you manage to understead better the layout man ;)
I updated the pics from Photobucket and now they should work
Hey guys! I wanted to share with you my latest map. It is called Boulder and it is a very intense CQC map.[IMG] The two initial spawns are very...
Hello guys! I just wanted to introduce myself to all of you. I hope that we'll enjoy our time together. Happy Forging!