Haha, yea that one cone is pretty sneaky. I fixed the map, that one where you got onto the pelican was a big deal. I HAD to fix that. I also...
I sent both files to my xbox, I will respond again after I've watched them.
I'm in the process of making two more. I'm working hard on a co-op one since those seem to be in such high demand. Ill let you know when its time...
Hello again Alex, the updated map is up. Its new and improved with a whole new puzzle thrown in. Also, my roomate and I were admiring how you got...
Alex, I watched those videos and came to the realization, i need better beta testers. Some of those jumps you made are friggen unbelievable. You...
Oh, and Alex, I sent your files to my xbox, so If you would like you can remove them from your fileshare now.
Thanks Alex, I will def. check out the links as soon as I can. I'll get back to you when I watch em. Im glad you liked the map, and any ideas for...
Thanks fuzzle. Means a lot. Maybe I'll make another one soon, any ideas?
Sheehy, I think i may have broke your map at one point near the second soccerball section. If you care lemme know, I will PM you in detail.
Hey dude, I watched your video last night and turns out you broke my map on 3 different occasions. lol. However, I think i fixed it. You pretty...
Shweet. Im stoked you liked it. i put a lot work into it. i know where you are talking about in "D" but the reason i didnt put a vehicle where...
Really wicked good puzzle map bro, first one ive played really worth playing. I would be honored if you checked out mine.
Groovy, I hope you like it. Help me help you, tell me what you liked and didnt when you finished. I will use this info whenever I make new ones.
Author : Dirt Zombi Game : Halo 4 Map : "The Dirty Extraction Puzzle Map" Ravine (Original Content) Gametype : "The Dirty Extraction" Puzzle...