Yea, mainly rocket bridge and the Powerup areas are a little off...but the map certainly does feel like narrows. The area on flag side behind...
Oddball would play very well on this map. I ran a 1v1 on it last night, and it's not that it's confusing it's just there are so many routes that a...
1 sentence can sum this up. "Fix yo floor!" -Anni Podtacular | The Unofficial Halo Universe Podcast
I have play tested this map, it is fun for 4s and definitely flag works best. Some things I dont like is how there are large areas where you can...
I played a couple games the other night on this map. The top part that wraps around the entire level is just you should be able to get...
I'm very interested in Relize, it looks like a good symmetrical map. I love how you kept the grass in, any sort of aesthetic helps pull one map...
IMHO, it's a great map for 1v1, and it has a lot of view angles to pull off some really clutch shots. I just don't think it works as well as a 4v4...
Dude I'm liking the look to the map... I'll give it a DL when I get off work. I've actually been play testing on my own all of the MLG maps in...