Hi guys this is a small trailer for a upcoming machinima I will be doing for Halo 5/Halo Xbox one. The trailer takes place in Halo 4 but it will...
I have been trying to tweek with the speed for the flood for quite a while, i don't like slow flood and I don't like them to be too fast, I'm...
Dude this map looks sick, nice work!
hmm i don't know how to edit the the map link, umm but its on my file share....I'll try to figure it out Update: Should be fixed man, try...
I was too lazy to post the pics, my bad......how about no
What's up Guys! Here is my new flood map Omission! This map took a total of 30 hours of rough drafting, filming, testing etc. The map takes place...
What's up players! This is my new Flood map known as Black House. The map centers around a satanic church that has taken damage from "outside...
A small based team slayer map that resides against a rocky embankment A nice clean looking map worthy of a download Oh and subscribe to my new...