[IMG][IMG] Just briefely comparing the two ^ Well aside from the differences in aesthetics and overall makeup of the structures, reflection was...
I believe he was being sarcastic in regards to how some pieces are... interlocked... eg. the 5th pic where the platform merges with the 1x1 thins....
Sure it may have some similarities to reflection/ ivory tower however it clearly stands alone, has a lot of original aesthetics and the layout...
You see I agree with all of this. I have not posted any maps myself personally I am just on these forums to see what the community is pumping out...
I like the idea of this, however I don't think a circular bottle neck is a bad thing. Not every map has to be bloodgulch. There are plenty of maps...
O0o0o00oommmmMMMgggGGGG!! Finally! This map looks so awesome I can't even describe it in words! Just I really think you should tweak the color of...
this looks promising however I find when maps have bridges connected to each other that are wayy too long it leaves a lot to be desired from...
yeah im with everyone else the erosion pallet sucks, but the way youve melded the map into the natural environment is really sweet, definitely a...
this looks really nice and clean, deffs worth a dl
that tower in the middle looks really interesting :p something about the map feels a little off tho... it may be because you made it use the whole...
thanks for showing me this first hand! the way the map has progressed is really good, just fix those holes I mentioned
looks pretty clean and sharp
Go to your fileshare on waypoint on your pc, then click maps, then click on your grasslands map and youl notice an overview pops up on the screen...
remakes are always cool but I really don't understand everyones infatuation with blood gulch... valhalla poohs all over that map. It's too open,...
Hey are you able to put it in your fileshare what you've done? I can't wait to see how you made some things, like that red computer screen! by...
How is this even possible in forge?? D:
Dude this looks awesome, deffs giving it a download!
Holy... Freaking... ****...
fair enough, I like the changes you made in the update. removing the cover from the towers was a good choice and I also like how you changed the...
Beautiful, how did you get it to look so real??