Awesome, bigger maps with heavy vehicles. Missed the heavy vehicles in Crimson, not counting Shatter with the lag on splitscreen. When I play...
I voted 'yes'. Only one time though, so doesn't quite outweigh the 'no' votes.. If you had any! Good luck!
Looks really nice and unique! I'm not a fan of the Erosion pallete, but I like the style here. Even though I love warthog maps, I'm afraid it has...
I usually do so to make the parts of the map easier to recognize. It's easy for callouts (green room) with most maps. But if you can make each...
I'm pretty sure you can pick a copy of Halo 4 up for half the introduction price now, campaign and matchmaking are great. You could learn some new...
I only played multiplayer for the higher rating in singeplayer, but it was fun. Has multiplayer improved with all the new multiplayer DLC? I'm...
Thanks all! I'm not participating in the 2v2, just the 343i contest for now. I'd love to enter other contests soon! And I do like honest opinions....
Looks great, very clean yet nothing looks amiss. Keep up the good work!
Impressive, great use of color and geometry! A lot of walkway action going on there. Especially the outside part (third screenshot) looks where...
I second that, could use some more cover. I also miss the small paths that lets you switch bridge level, used it a lot to sneak up on enemies...
There's been one every year since 2, so I'm not really surprised. I only played 1 and 2, but I did not own 2 or the DLC. Bought the Anthology...
Nice job on the tether! Really looks like one, albeit unfinished due to it's height. Is it purely aesthetic or does it have a purpose (for...
I always loved Terminal back in Halo 2, nice to see it's being remade! Been while since I've played though, could you post some more screenshots?...
Ah, always had trouble doing that back in Reach, glad that's fixed then. :) Here's a new screenshot with the lights hidden within the...
Geometry looks good, like the use of the grass as the bottom level. I believe it lacks some color variation, it's all grass, rocks or blocks with...
Hi JKaddict, thanks for your feedback! I appreciate it. Had a busy weekend, so didn't had much time to check and give a detailed reply. The...
Already looks a lot better! I agree, the wall next to the ramp looks a little off and doesn't compliment the building next to it, I think your...
Looks amazing! Really like the urban style of this map and the extra's/aesthetic touches such as the cranes and the conveyer belts.
Alright, thanks for noticing! Was trying to hotlink from to the file share. Re-uploaded the screenshots to TinyPic.
Hey all, I'd like to show you my entry, Babel, to the FFA contest 343 and CA are currently hosting. Description Vertical map, just as much...