looks pretty great man. ill give it a download and get back to ya
still havnt tried making the map less grey. enjoy the update. feedback would be swell!
a chunk thanks for all the feedback man! i wont reply with a long message. instead i will go back to the map and fix some of the things that you...
Fourth Point [IMG] BEFORE [IMG] AFTER 4v4 Slayer and CTF i havnt posted any maps for the past few months now. i have a few iv been updating...
also your profile link doesnt work for me...where is Exidus v2? i have a few ideas going back through v1. maybe we can jump online together and...
still says sniper instead of railgun in your weapon section if your original post
hey man i played one of the older versions...will just fire up my xbox now and have a looksie at the updated version for ya...i liked the old...
hey man not to be an asshole. but i think that now that you have made this made like it is....you should go back and remake the whole thing from...
man this looks really nice...downloading now...ill let ya kno what i think after i run through it! :)
BlackNight [IMG] 2v2 Map Slayer & CTF Download - File Share Halo Official Site Weapons Rockets - Top Middle. 120s respawn. Sniper - 1 for...
thanks for the feedback guys. i really appreciate it.... i agree on a lot of your points zandril and i probably will take out those kill zones...
yo Zandril...checked out novus and played it 1 vs 1 with a friend...good map man! the only thing id say about it is that the rock cave where the...
hey man...cheers..nah i havnt had much time recently...but ill give it a run through now!
Marauder [IMG] SLAYER & CTF 2 - 8 Players Download - File Share Halo Official Site SO far i like its layout. any feedback on good and/or bad...
definitely gonna download this map man...looks super crisp!
play more than just campaign and spartan ops for a start...ordnance drops are easy as! a good thing to note for weapons on maps is 'less is...
better pictures might help bro. i dont usually download maps unless i like the look of them...sorry to say that you havn't included any pics that...
new pics up now :)
File Share Halo Official Site updated version...will post pics tomoro.
So i didnt bother adding the new stuff to 'Forgotten Halls' on forge world...instead i remade it on Ravine... the maps name has changed to...