I watched this so many times when it came out never gets old haha
in that case can you submit maps at any time for any playlist?
Probably a dumb question but are you sure?? Because It states that the winning maps may be considered for matchmaking and if you can't place then...
I don't know if there is already a thread about this but I don't care. Why in the hell did CA or whoever developed the forge pallet decide to make...
why the **** is this contest USA only? fing bull.
I've been hearing some talk here and there about a new forge island playlist being released soon? Is this true? Also, how does one go about...
No scoping is hella fun. Getting a snap shot is far easier in cqc than it is at long distances. Personally I hate maps that are far too big and...
Hey man thanks a bunch for your feedback. I definitely agree the lift room needs to be rather open for the reason you mentioned. As far as weapons...
Yeah I'll play around with that, I just wanted it to look more structured and realistic in the sense that it had normal sized doorways. But ill...
Thanks guys, see any flaws design wise?
Hey guys! I've sort of been out of the forging games for a few months but im back now :) I've been working on this map on and off for a few...
Thanks guys this helped a lot :)
Probably a stupid question but with competitive symetrical maps with clear red and blue sides, is it acceptable to colour the centre of the map...
Kind of random but am I the only one who has a bad case of CBF forge syndrome? I Havn't forged for weeks due to exams and personal stuff and now...
they **** me off so much and I don't see the point of them
Of course what you say holds ground. The point of this preview thread was to get peoples opinions whether they be god or bad. If it is bad, then I...
Actually I think the amount of trees Is perfectly fine and it plays really well with them and the fact that you call them ugly is just.... HHAhaha...
Lmao hell no I've just barely been on at all these past few weeks :p ill jump on like for 2 hours every 5 days or so D: that and my nat is still...
No I think you're right it makes sense :)
I see what you're saying and it will be done that way :p Thanks there'll be a lot more LoS blockers by the time this is finished as I want it to...