As a general rule I'm normally online between 6pm and Midnight GMT or whatever they calling that now. Basically being in the UK I follow the rule...
I managed 11 seconds more mate.... found it amusing... really want to put on his youtube comment. State ever heard of magnets
I'm With Fenix Hulk there on the original UT games.... Final Fantasy 7 is also a game I would love to see remade ... that and going back to old...
For me I'd say it was the "aimbot" ability where people are not even aiming anywhere near you yet killing you with head shots!
Hello Sky. :) Thanks Auburn thats all I need someone to show and explain really has trying to get it to work from online steps doesn't seem to...
Hi thanks. Auburn: Yes please mate, I have issues with the flags and king of the hill.... and the respawn zoning that you can do not to sure...
Hello I'm Darph! The online persona of a human guy that twiddles his thumbs gaming. Halo 4 being one of my more favourite games (spent 2 weeks in...