About half done remaking Avalanche from Halo 3 (1:1 going as close as possible, using Coordinates for precision) Managed to remake it in Halo 4...
I'm here, but people aren't posting their remakes here! I have this thread bookmarked and check it every day - but can only find so many on my own!
Updated! A reminder to please clearly list the file share and name if you're submitting one, otherwise I don't know what you're talking about...
I have ascension listed because some people may not know the map from Halo 2 and have only played it and know it from reach. Ill add in...
Placing as many $0 objects as I could (zones, spawns, objects) the hard object limit for Impact and Ravine was 652 for me.
I got Standoff going! Just gotta make red base... And if you go down into the open area of Impact, there's a ton of room there (enough to build...
H1- hang em high- abstyler- Added H2 Burial mounds- Awthehumanity- Added Foundation-PTWOB- Added Foundry-Kazeroid- Added Colossus-...
I measured out the width of the Rat's Nest road for you Kazeroid, its 5 units wide from white line to white line. I would also suggest using the...
Be sure to remember the pipes up along the top of the wall!
Everybody's additions have been added, unrivaled, I will go through all of yours in the morning with my xbox to confirm the fileshares and names....
Given To Fly; I've changed it to yours (Sorry 'bout that!), but could you link the full thread? Indie; Updated the link! Also, I'm about...
I linked the ones I could find with "More", if people post the link to others, I will edit in. Also, not all have Forgehub posts.
Last Updated: Feb. 27th 14:56 Here's a collection of all known remakes of previous Halo multiplayer maps! Submit some more if you have found...
Thanks a ton!
Sorry bout that - How can you get photos off of Halo 4 right now? Only way in the previous games that I knew how was through the File Share...
Hey everybody! Spent a fair amount of the past two weeks working on this remake of Avalanche! unlike the other "remake" this is as close to a...