I figured you would have seen the movie 'limitless' haha
whereabouts does the NZT spawn?
i'll play if there is room gt is same as username
I never really found myself trying to bounce nades off of the angled parts as there really isn't many areas that it comes into play much. Most of...
there will probably only be 'a chunk' of people that agree with that statement...
so chewy
i think its meant to be on the ocean floor
updated op
No sir. just tried to utilize every natural pc as best as possible. Will be posting a pretty big update tonight which expands gold area quite a bit.
set them to place at start: false then set spawn time to however long you want them to take to spawn
in the process of fixing gold lift and expanding gold area. will update thread with new version soon
Map Name: Dojo Creator: S0ULDIER 2v2, 4v4 Slayer, KOTH, Ext, oddball Asymmetrical Somewhat of a donut style map with some basic...
could you add more pictures? I can't really get a good feel of the map with so few pics... haha
regardless of if it is an exact remake or not. In order to get the map popular, it makes sense to name it warlock. as stale as power rangers...
tweaked spawns and minor structural changes to improve gameplay
i always nudge the one pc down and let it go fast before it fully sets and then nudge the other pc up. that way there is enough that it should...
a good map doesn't need colours for callouts at all...
To chew or not to chew. That is the question! Or is it? The real question my friends should be rather how much to chew or for how long shall one...
this thing looks so chewy! plays even chewier. 10/10 for chew factor!
Designed for 2v2, 4v4 CTF and Slayer. [IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG]