Halo 2 Vista is also still online and it might be continued much further now (according to a tweet by BSAngel). And as we are on forge forums I´d...
Yeah this looks like a good start for a map and I think you should just go ahead with it on your own if you don´t get anyone to help. Zealot and...
This should be an option on forge without any modding. Some cool aesthetics could be made with it.
Hey Hydrolysis and thanks for the feedback. Tried to rush this yesterday to get it playable so I could post it and get some feedback, but it´s...
I just registered there yesterday and it worked for me (confirmation email went to junk mail). Hope you get it fixed!
The map is a blend between Turf and Pit with some ideas taken from some other Halo maps. Only works for CTF and TS at the moment and there´s only...
Really good looking remake for what I saw from the video, have to download this one. Only suggestion I have is to make that jump to ring3 more...
This looks really good, just what I´m expecting people to come up with. Glad they made this new Forge Island, as it´s one of the only reasons for...
Could you still put this in your fileshare, I´d like to see this and how you made certain parts of the map. I´m also waiting for those new forge...
That train thing would be cool to have on the map, but I guess it takes too much budget which could be used elsewhere better. I just made a...
Nice map and really like your works. Keep it up GoF! And there´s actually Outskirts map made for H2V, which has all the custom weps also in...
This is a very good idea for a thread and makes it lot easier to find good remakes. Also the Terminal remake EerySandpiper mentioned was made by...
GT: Anz11 Map: Rat District So the innovations for this map basicly came from District from H2V and Rats Nest from H3. Tried to incorporate...
GT: Anz11 Map: Terminal H4 Only initial spawns and flagstands on the map. Looking for help with the spawns and gametypes. I´ll try to get some...