On a scale of 1 to this flamingo, how confused are you? - Imgur Our relationship... in one gif.
[IMG] Delicious.
*Feels defeated* I understand...
Bu-bu-bu... Okay...
[IMG] BRING IT ON *****.
Oh God... Oh God...
Such as?
Clark said I should I ask about this thing called pen puns... do I wanna know?
Why does this make me want to cry and laugh at the same time? Pokemon Red: Rock Tunnel - YouTube
Hi, nice to meet you!
Didjya see the new C&H? Also call me when you can get on that website you hate so we can IM
Well damn.
Hopefully that isn't a bad thing? Should I be worried.
I won't know till I get back to Georiga... which won't be till the 29th/30th because of a family reunion.
Lotion I am allergic to Candy... pree tasty A black scarf. And hair brushes My far away family doesn't know me well.... at all. They got mad that...
I got you: [spoiler][spoiler][spoiler][spoiler][spoiler][spoiler][spoiler] Like I would tell you over the...