I really think people should take some comparison screenshots of certain things in this map. There are quite a lot of places that are completely...
You can do this with the Grifball gametype to get Assault back if you want also. Adding to that statement, contrary to popular belief within the...
Yeah, you could have just said each of these settings once. Makes more sense to change the H4 settings to what they are as standard on Halo 4, and...
From the screenshots the scale looks off. Way off. I'll take a look at it later though.
Wow, this looks pretty good. On another note, please make a Rainbow Road MK64 remake. I just love that map.
Hey, here is an idea that I saw on a Blackout remake. Have you tried putting in a central floor cap phased in the blocks on the center to...
What if I were to tell you that Halo 3 used to do exactly what I'm talking about in split-screen? Does it look any different to playing by...
I like to think that none of that is true. Considering how much the previous Halo games were patched / fixed. Also lets not forget that they also...
Hey that's actually not a bad idea. When you play splitscreen either player gets half of the resolution anyway. So in theory toning down the...
Considering disabling sprint and disabling instant respawn are VERY simple hex edits (modding), its definitely possible for them to implement...
Yeah, you'll notice that larger maps played in 4v4 that it fragments the battles within the map. Smaller maps make for more hectic gameplay...
Where are you located? If the answer is the USA then there are a lot more people playing there and you aren't as likely to get a laggy game....
Seriously can't believe anyone hasn't mentioned this yet, GOOD CONNECTION MATCHMAKING SEARCH FILTER!! Lag is a game ruiner and personally I think...
Yeah, this map is so so for me. I quite often get trapped on this map, but its good that there are no real dead ends in this map so it is possible...
Yeah, I still think my magnets workaround for precision height is better than this. Also for objects like bridges you should really be using a...
Hell YES! This is what I like to see, people making remakes with this much care and devotion and implementing aspects that you can do in the...
BASTION Citadel Remake by UberAURORA --UPDATE-- Current version (Ver 3.4). Comparison screenshots reveal on mouse over. Current screenshots are...
This looks very interesting, I will definitely take a look when your finished.
When I first read that I just thought, LOL, Halo isn't Minecraft! That being said it would be nice if you could have mechanisms in forge. I...
Yeah, I'm terrible at describing things. The only thing is this trick doesn't work for objects that don't have magnets. For example, extraction...