looks great, i'll give it a go
But, he complimented my map, so who cares? :P
tbh, I had no clue there was such a map. i actually based the concept off of an old Half Life mod, Team Fortress Classic.
Because I thought they made good outposts, or towers. Imagine sniping from inside of one. If it were not upside down you wouldn't have any cover.
Looks pretty neat...I'll give it a go tomorrow.
Map Title: Crossfire Made by TMcKnight22, and assisted by zev912. Download Map Download Gametype Description: This map can be hella fun to...
Awesome, it's been queued.
I'll consider downloading it if you host larger pics :D
I'm already one step ahead of ya ;)
The gamertag is TMcKnight22. Just recently, I've grown very fond of Forging. At first it was boring, but as of late I've dumped hours into it. I...
Looks like a great map, however the link to d/l it was down when I tried =(
Haha, this was awesome. I instantly downloaded it and hopped in...