ok, i will search where i wrote joint... this kind of mistake happens some times XD Edited by merge: is it just a joke or i wrote this...
you have to know that i realized that i did too much yesterday, I posted it on every threads about custom games. i know that it was not a good...
I moved this thread somewhere else. i realized that this forum is more about forging than custom games... But do not be sad, i'm still here, but...
yeah... i made a site for that, but i lost 1 point for advertising, so be careful. now what i'm trying to do is to integrate my site to this forum...
hey! i saw that you have some interest for a custom game search? try this: Halo 4 Custom Game Search Engine | Wix.com read the tutorial and joint...
Oh wow i just noticed that i haven't introduced myself yet :). all i have to say about myself is that i'm a big forge player. Also you have to...