This was on my remake list. Thanks for doing it, and it conforms to my accuracy standards.
Thank you! I tried to replicate as much as possible from the Original. I will optimize it over time, and with feedback, will decide if I should...
150% will still look good. Anything above that and objects start to lose their textures to compensate. If you load my map, you'll see.
xxDJBxx submitted a new map: Gephyrophobia - 6 - 16 Players; 2-Team Compatible; It needs work, but it is a semi-accurate remake of...
It needs work, but it is a semi-accurate remake of Gephyrophobia. 241% Lightmap; 1024 of 1024 Objects; Needs Optimizing (~150% Lightmap would...
I am currently making Gephyrophobia. If I had to throw a Percent Done, it would be 60%.
xxDJBxx submitted a new map: Direct - Two-Base Symmetrical, Multi-Level, Open, Dangerous This is Direct [Name Pending]. It is a two-base,...
This is Direct [Name Pending]. It is a two-base, multi-level, open map. This is a BTB map, that downsizes to a good 4v4 Breakout Map. (Removes...
I think they'll add precision editing back in, MAYBE zoom, but everyone is working on Halo 5 and the new Xbox 720. I think we will see both of...
Basically 343i didn't do anything with Forge. In order to release the game faster, they contracted Multiplayer Map Creation, and Forge Mode...
I thought this thread was about a forged version of Pipe Dreams... I was like WAAAHT! But this seems more logical. To answer number 3. They...
If your doing a Team Based Game, you need to balance it by locating the overshield in map neutral position and just ordnance drop a damage boost...
I literally just uploaded an improved version. Fixed Middle Top Deleted Dominion Base Shields next to each Basement Grav-Lift Added Crates in...
The lifts are open during Slayer, they only spawn during Dominion type games and a couple of grenades or a rocket will destroy them anyways. I ran...
This map was inspired by a combination of Various Halo 2 Maps and other maps. With the maps of Halo 4 taking a larger approach, I decided to...
You can use Gravity Volumes in your level. Look at my version of your level for a reference. GT: xxDJBxx Basically Gravity Volume change...
Did you finally include the Gravity Volumes to simulate portal flow? If you didn't then you need to check that out.
Its a challenge, especially when you want to incorporate a Banshee.
I guess no one has played my version of Guardian? GT: xxDJBxx
This map was inspired by the Halo 1 Map Infinity. With the maps of Halo 4 taking a larger approach, I decided to create a Big Map that focuses...