My favorite map from Halo: Reach. Awesome aesthetically. I'm a crappy forger. Never made a map (a competitive map that is). So how hard is that to...
There's a damn near perfect remake of Lockout called Shutout. I see it all the time in the SWAT playlist. If i can find a link... yea here...
Boardwalk from Halo: Reach. Has that ever been considered? I wouldn't say it was the most fun to play, but I for some reasoson have this strange...
Isn't Stockpile just a variant of neutral flag?
I just tried it out, and I think it would be impossible to have work without your speed going up to like 150% or something around that. I had...
Thanks for your input. I definitely don't plan on using that crap I made on Ravine. Truly, it was just a test of how well I knew the objects in...
Yeah, I put up the thread for the idea. And wow, that was quick for someone to jump on that. That's really really neat how the hammer can...
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Want to help make the map...?:embarassed:
No no, I already get all that. I mean how WELL does it work? Because I once saw a really really short game of Dominion because of it.
I'd like to have Last Stand in the game, but how well does that mechanic work? I haven't played much Dominion. But I assume Last Stand can shorten...
I'm pretty sure it's possible, but I wasn't thinking that. Though I do like that idea. kinda.
Simply put, it's utilizing the Sword, Hardlight Sheild, and Railgun as a sword, sheild, and bow & arrow, in some kind of medieval gametype,...
No no no, it isn't a problem at all. You can set it to 1 second capture time, which in-game is barely anything. But, you still have to "hold X to...
Already got a game like that. I took it from a youtube video here Works pretty well. I'll send you a...
This just makes me think of making the train from Terminal.
What is neutral flag again? I don't think I've ever played something like that.
The Grifball court in Erosion looks like a good place for a Hang 'Em High remake. Anybody already working on one like that?
Isn't personal ordinance the thing that you yourself control where it goes once you get enough points for one?