Sweet, thanks for the tips! I have about another 6 maps that I've been playing around with when I've not been sleeping. Hope you might be able to...
Sceptre (v1.1b) Created by MikeyGeordie & JakTheLad93 Map Description "Welcome to Forward Operating Base Sceptre. The UNSC set up this base 2...
I'm only running on Reach atm until I got the spare cash for Halo 4. And I'm just looking to make a few friends to play and forge with. Not a clan...
People who want to play as literally a team of 4 and communicate with each other in game instead of just running around and dying pretty quick?...
Can't afford it yet :L literally so short on cash right now it's unreal. Good to see some other northerners here like :D thought we'd all run off...
Hey guys! I'm mikeygeordie, a semi-experienced Forge builder and Reach player with a good shot on me! I'm looking for a small team of people,...
Forge like a pro, comedian or sportsman :P Gamertag: Mikeygeordie Times I can get on: You tell me when you want me there :D Mic: Hells yeah!...
Thank you for the critique. You think I should keep vehicles out entirely? As for the aesthetics, I suppose I can spend some time on it for the...
Air Installation Delta V1.1b Created by Mike (Mikeygeordie) Map Description Second Map I've ever made, Symmetrical and fairly balanced with...