Thanks! and yeah i wish i had the BWU thumbnail/background, but i did manage to snag the background for Carney's Crash Course: Map Design 101...
[IMG] im surprised! lol, pretty much the same style from the looks of this : Halo Reach : File Details : also i know your doing...
Ill agree with: lol, ill release it in due time but for now it will remain a mystery... sorry Appreciate the rating, and i know i wont be...
LOL i didnt see it yet until i saw you post it! Thanks and Thanks!! :D
thanks, and all the ones that you like are the newest ones that ive done. The green one is the "premier shot" which is the first photo i took...
Thanks! But although i dont have a large variety of qualities like da Vinci to make my work special, its unique in respect to the fact that its my...
Thanks for the positive feedback! However... while my effect makes the screenshots astonishing, what makes them unique is that the technique is...
I took these photos in Halo: Reach theater mode using my non-patented "Mise-en-Scene" effect, these are unedited and i urge you to visit my...
Yeah, I downloaded and played Resentment-This map seemed very well made(except for some minor details) and is was fun to play Team Slayer on with...