Eshkii submitted a new map: Series 7 - A unique 4v4 competitive experience. Introducing my new map "Series 7" into the world of Halo 5!...
Introducing my new map "Series 7" into the world of Halo 5! BACKGROUND: My name is Eshkii, as many of you may know me. I've been around forging...
I highly recommend playing Ripshade 41's map. He did an excellent job on the layout and the overall feel of the map. I playtested it a couple of...
hahaha I didn't realize it until now, Back in my day, OVR stood for Overshield. I couldn't find an Overshield emblem on the internet so I just...
I don't understand what you're asking..
I started this map not too long ago not knowing what could possibly come of it, but now that I'm finished.. I find it to be one of my best maps I...
No problem bro, See you next time.
Well I was trying to work with the framerate issue I was getting with all the trees and also if you delete a certain amount of trees (Since its a...
I used a modded Tree Forge Map for this creation made by VoiD Ninjaa. What I basically tried to do is recreate the feel of how intense the movie...
Yeah i used my Ipod to take the screenshots and if you click the image it enlarges the image. Thanks though feel free to download it and check it...
This is my Remake of Wizard/Warlock from the Halo 1 & 2 days. Spent quite a bit of time on it, Hope you all enjoy! I also have a darker version of...
I just took a Speedrun on your map, I Stop watch timed the film and got 1:57 exact time. I sent you a message earlier saying I got 2 minutes but I...
For those of you who don't know me my name is Eshkii. I'm an experienced forger and although I usually NEVER post, I thought i'd give you guys...
For those of you who don't know me, I've used many gamertags from Halo 3 to Halo 4 now. I was pretty known back in the day H3 for forging and...
Can you test mine out give it a go, you can them compare the two to create your own the way you would want it and go from there ya know?
Sucks right? I just hope poeple like it, Ill be updating it soon
Thanks:) Try to promote this a little if anyone can I would really appreciate it. I feel as if no one has checked it out.
True but you can do both if you do it correctly. Of course this map needs work, even my remake of the pit needs work, but none the less anyone who...
Ill check the map out and see what you did and ill see if I can throw ya anything else:) And no problem. Every once in a while everyone needs...
Yeah dude why don't you play the game first before you drag on it. #Annoying