dude Gephyrophobia without a doubt, there have already been two damnation remakes, this ones a classic and needs to be done... just seeing this...
I gotta say FFA regicide is probably one of my least favorite gametypes. it should be removed and replaced with FFA Slayer. I Like Team Regicide...
I'm not sure I understand the whole "Fixed DLC Issues" the first DLC has not even been released yet, that in itself should have its own...
honestly halo is the only arena style shooter left, I think 343 really should have taken a look at unreal tournament and quake games to get their...
I just bought the war games pass today. which makes the total cost of halo 4 $85. $25 for 9 extra maps. seems like a good deal, hopefully they...
yeah this is legit and confirmed by both 343 and microsoft. I got mine last night and redeemed it, not a "phishing scam", official Microsoft email.
check out the trailer here: Halo 4: Crimson Map Pack Trailer [HD] - YouTube what do you guys think of Harvest, Shatter, and Wreckage? will you...
well I'm not v3n3, but I'm pretty sure that's impossible. the video files aren't actually a video format. if they were, it would fill up the xbox...
I guess I'm just used to gaming on a pc, I really only own an xbox for halo, the matchmaking/voting/hosting system for halo should really be...
from my experience I don't get an even mix lol, Ragnarok and exile get voted about 80% of the time for BTB, sometimes if I'm lucky longbow will...
I've seen this map remade on erosion and ravine, played both actually, but the impact palate looks the best for this map imo.
thanks V3N3, I was not aware you released a new version. updated the original post with a picture and download link. I'll get around to fixing the...
my bad, I thought it was the teleporter that had been turned into a lift, had to watch the video again to see what you were talking about.
nice man! I had a lot of fun testing this map. especially the CTF, theres nothing like trying to dodge manti with a hog :haha:
nice! I request that the mods make this thread a sticky, so that everyone can see it. currently this is the only alternative to having a capture...
I don't think the grav lift works well for this map. its supposed to be a 2 way teleporter. the grav lift only goes one direction. which is...
I play a lot of Team Slayer and BTB, from my experience the most played maps are Ragnarok, Exile, Haven, and Complex. maps that I've rarely played...
as far as the large maps go, I like longbow the best, imo the most likely reason is the skewed voting system. 4 of these maps get the most play...
vote for your favorite Halo 4 Multiplayer Map! explain why it is your favorite map, also feel free to discus your least favorite map. Abandon...