I saw one of these threads on battlelog for Battlefield 3, and figured we might be able to apply it here. Basically, one person posts their Halo:...
Indeed. We started using the Terrain Editor in an Intro to Games Design module, and now going behind the scenes into scripting within the Intro to...
Not going to lie, when I typed in '16x', I did think that it was quite excessive. As for the Spawns, perhaps I could eliminate the 2 closed tunnel...
I'm at Glasgow Caledonian. It's alright just now, I guess. We're using Unity to produce scripts, and the whole Vector4 thing looks SO crazy....
Trust me, lad, it's the most pathetic Scottish accent you've ever heard. Well, that's compared to the other crackers you find around here.
I've read a couple posts and it seemed that the problem occurred mainly when a friend joined your game. As it turns out, I had one of my friends...
That's a lie, I've never had a job. That's also a lie. ;) No matter how many introductions you give, or icebreakers you crack, they never get...
I didn't Forge much within Halo:Reach, so I didn't experience the 'Fine Adjustment' tool that 343i implemented. I'm sort-of glad I haven't now,...