Well I know black ops had that but I thought halo had it also...hmm maybe it was forza or something.
Matchmaking feels so small at the moment...but I do 343 said they will be adding more modes very soon, the swat mode would be nice brs,dmrs and...
Is there a way to rotate and scale emblems and such to customize them further? as I recall in the one of the past Halo's they had the...
Does anyone know whether they will plan on adding a feature that will allow players to search for other players to play custom games with such as...
Hello, Curious if anyone has any unique game mode ideas planned once Halo 4 releases or if they have some from the previous games that they...
Hello, Forgers I as all of you am looking forward to the soon to release Halo 4, in the coming days most will be enjoying the campaign while...
Hello, I am Lifeshaper. You may see me, as I will see you.