You know those gray wood bugs that curl up when you poke em, that's what that curved structure on the front (or back) of that terminal looks like...
1. When you place each structure, try to predict what kinds of firefights and skirmishes would inevitably happen and how it would happen based on...
At first I was confused of the layout, then I looked through the pics again and tried to piece it together, and you weren't kidding about starting...
Alright, I gotcha (thumbs up)
It looks like a really good map. Plus making a small map is good, most people seem to have difficulty with sizing down in place so huge and open...
Everything looks great, except the pair of collosal walls blocking the creek (bottom of 1st pic). Have you tried using soft kill boundaries...
The open map idea for infected looks really good (soft kill boundaries, gotcha) and having a dynamic gameplay makes it that much better. Have you...
This is actually looks like a very thorough map, and the monument looks very well done. Question, is that forged grass or natural beneath the...