Pretty Cool. I'll DL One thing I would say is that there does not seem to be massive changes to the Orbital itself. The Cover looks good and the...
I am really not surprised that this map won. Its Aesthetically Beautiful and plays even Better. Congratulatuions, Given to fly.
I played on this, and I must admit it is LOADS of fun. It just goes to show that maps needent be needlessly complex to be fun. Although, when we...
Looks good, but I think 16 players is a little too much. Also, there is no cover outside the bases apart from the little obelisks in the centre. I...
A good map does not NEED interlocking or geo merging. And so what if it looks just like foundry? It's still an excellent slayer map. 5/5.
I thought I was an experienced Forger, but when I joined Forge hub, everyone critisced me. Don't get me wrong forge hub is great but if you dont...
LOL! ROFL! and other random internet speak that I dont really undestand.....:) Was this staged or just dumb luck?
Good map. I love the interlocking, and one bomb and one flag would be well and truly amazing on this map.
This looks like a very good map. I personally love the sniper tower. It is amazing.
I personally love this map and I think it is best for Team SWAT and Team slayer. Nice job. 9/10
Guys, er, could you actualy download the map? I spent a lot of time on it and I dont apreciate you making comments on it when you dont even know...
Nice job creating something Original. I love infection, and cant wait to test this out. Qued
Nice! I still play Donkey Kong on the virtual console and it will be great in HIGH-DEFINTION. Sorry, I just had to put that in captal letters. Is...
Looks fun. I like Cod4 a lot and shipment is Class! Il download. Oh, and I know how you feel about people complaining to you about not meeting...
I apologise, guys, accadiantly pressed the ''post'' button before it was finished. Argh. Oh, and dont worry, I wont be posting maps for a while. I...
This is my next Map and I can assure you, It is better than my last one. It is based on a CTF map on Last Resort that I loved called Tunnel Raid....
This is my first map on forge hub. Its not very original I know, and aint very big, but this is just an alternate Grifball map for a smaller...