I agree with everything you say, but i hate pewdiepie to my ****ing grave and if i ever see him in public i will most likely bust him in the mouth...
i dont think anyone seems to understand the fact that i was ****ing kidding in my video but okay, ignore what i say and everyone gang up on me....
i am not even going to try and even make a comeback for this lame ass comment. jesus chirst. now i know why all those people on halo council say...
i love how people actually take what i say seriously that is the funniest part of all this, christ alive you are all ****ing stupid. Yes i...
Im kidding for christs sake jeez. Whatever dude im leaving this site anyways because everyone acts like a jack ass on this site big shocker the...
I made my first halo 2 commentary from old halo 2 footage i had recorded from yeeeeeeeeeeears ago. Thought i would upload it. I hope you guys like...
I can handle everything if they just nerf dmr a lil and boltshot a LOOOOOOOT.
Okay so i have some gamebattles and some mlg gameplay in my file share i want to upload, and i literally no nothing about uploading...
I would have loved to have seen a remake of relic as a BTB map.
Like really im just trying to be silly and **** man, why you have to be all serious and stuff. It wasnt intended to be funny. This video is a...
Im sorry im too much for you to handle and you cant handle your stuff.
your mom went to college. And check out his channel he makes very good videos.
Hopefully this video is less "icky" sorry if things are too not serious and make you "upset" or whatever but also check the guy tripping in this...
Everything you said
Alright i just thought this has to get off my chest, okay? First off my biggest (and everyones biggest) BOLTSHOT NEEDS TO BE EFFIN NERFED, like...
cmon man why you gotta be like that? you cant be that serious dude, everyone is too uptight on the internet, what the hell like cmon im puking up...
i love you xDDDDDD
oh excuse me because something was too "icky" :'( i swear to god i honestly wasnt i was going to fake throw up and it actually made me puke...
this was me guys lol im sorry it was funny and i puke so easily Lol
I hate ragnarok with a flaming passion, who ever likes that dumb ass map please die. I call it fagnarok to be honest. I hated that map in halo 3...