Wow I love the feel of the modern appartment and the porch looks awesome!
dont worry, already figured it out :)
Deadborough, just to see some infection in the FHF for a change (and because it is awesome :P)
By the way, how do u vote :s
Ok! Thank god youve told me about the view conversation thing cause if not i would've continued doing it forever. And yes I am going to vote for...
PD: i still dont believe those are your first maps :P
oh ok. I thought the elevator map was pretty good but i was a bit confused cause without explanations I didnt know where to go or where the map...
THFE!!!! Woooooooo
haha awesome map, really glad to see you've finally released it and to see myself in some of the screenshots of the gameplay :) I've already told...
haha love the story. I guess this map is a free roam infection and it looks very well interconnected and the aesthetics are nice. I hope that...
Hey, just read all of your messages. The changes are good and it will probably make the map play better. I believe you should keep the warthog...
Pyramid of the undead You have awakened the mummies! Run with the treasure! No, but seriously. Run. Get through the phases together and gather...
Thanks :D The rocket only has 2 shots and it is located in the final phase so it isnt too much of a problem. The fish factory idea came while i...
You have awakened the mummies! Run with the treasure! No, but seriously. Run. Get through the phases together and gather all the weapons you can....
Fish out of water This map is a linear style infection map to be played with zm_outbreak. It takes place in a fish factory where the zombies are...
Hello guys, this is my first upload to forgehub. My gamertag is Pol Wah and I've been forging for quite a while now, but didn't really try to...