Lesson learned. Well played Schnitzel, well played indeed. The stars aligned, and all was clear. Irony: The expression of one's meaning by using...
I don't really want to involve myself too much into this discussion, as it is really none of my business. I stated numerous times that I could be...
I am going to give you a perspective, that many people here do not have. I am going to be honest with you guys, and tell you from the very start...
As someone who has had much respect for ForgeHub and it's Staff over the past years, I wanted to stop by and say thank you to the old school...
Looks interesting, I will search it out and let you know what I think. I really enjoy puzzle maps, have not seen many on H4 yet.
Played Vorpal and chipsinabox a long time when we had our first humpday, you helped set that up if I my memory serves me correct.
Well, someone had to right? It was fun, look forward to doing it again.
Hey ForgeHub, undr zid reporting in. I am not very active here, but I like the community. Shoutout to the staff.