Great map dude. It's so small and simple but it looks really affective and I love how you used the landing pads and the buildings to make most of...
The forging looks great but the map looks a bit to open, I advise put a bit more cover around the map.
Ah, nice to see you posted this. It's looking good although I still need to get a game on it with you to see how it plays.
Hey sawtooth, after testing Downtown with you I have to say it's pretty good looking, keep it up.
This looks really iteresting, I can't really say much from what I can see other than it looks great so I'll probably give it a download and give...
I had a 1v1 on this map the other day and I have to say you did a very good job on the risk vs reward and it played very well indeed, great job.
Hey man Legistic444 here it's nice to see you got forgehub too!
This is a pretty cool looking map and I'll certainly give this a download.
Interesting, I thought this map was very enjoyable when I played it and I love how you implemented the verticality into the map.
Hey sins Legistic444 here just thought I'd drop in and say hi.
Looks interesting and I see some nice Los.
Good job on this map sawtooth it looks great from what I've seen.
Nice map and I like the changes you made to it.