Hi all, I'm back with an update. I now have detailed specs and a cool new pic: The specs are as follows: Dimensions: Length: 945 meters Width:...
That's great - thanks very much!
I have reported the issue and requested that it be moved.
http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2015/018/8/d/unsc_triton_1_by_calamitysi-d8efnf7.jpg Hi all. This is my concept idea for a frigate ship for...
More than likely, I've posted this thing everywhere. Scifi-meshes, Deviantart, Bungee.net. I think someone even did an animated flyby of an...
Quite right! All UNSC combat ships are essentially giant MAC cannons with engines.
Thanks for the feedback guys I appreciate you taking the time to give me your opinions.
Geez, you lot are a tough crowd! That's fine, I based the main hull of the ship around the new ARC-920 Railgun design as when I first saw it, I...
2553: The war with the Covenant is over. The UNSC enters a period of consolidation and replenishment of its devastated fleets, 85% of which were...