Looks like a great track, I like how it's really wide because I can't stay on a bridge to save my life... Also, a certain Children of Bodom song...
This was a very fun and very challenging course. What amazes me the most, however, is the fact that it looks perfect! Superb interlocking. I...
I agree with Nemihara, it would be easier with fuel rods, and more explosive (hehe), but this is a great idea, especially since I didn't know beam...
THIS is what happened to me! I had worked for 20 minutes on a part of a map, and I start a new round...gone. I was so unbelievably pissed.:(
Looks like a great map, nice interlocking. I also think it's funny that you put the flamethrower underwater :P.
This guitar is amazing; I especially like how you did the strings, very creative (although I think I only saw five, hehe). Now all you have to do...
This is why I still have my GH2 ps2 disc. *Goes to play Dragonforce on GH2*
Wow, an Infection map that looks balanced! Looks great I'll download.
Wow, this looks like a very good, professional map. The only thing I am concerned about is the elevators. Do they play well and keep the game...
I'm surprised there aren't more comments on this; it looks like a new kind of idea with a unique arena-style look to it. Looks like a blast!
Possibly for maps like Epitaph (with an underside) you could save/quit some crates down there and pile the stuff on, or for other maps put them in...
I am done with infection. I will be in the custom games lobby with 4-15 other people and EVERY SINGLE ONE of them is like,"omg I have teh best...
I really like the thought you put into the HP system and that you balanced out invisibility with snow. I know you've already heard this, but you...
Looks good; I always love training maps. The only thing I'm wondering: Wouldn't it be boring as hell to be shot around waiting to be killed if...
I've always loved Rocket Race; I might have to try this one out. I also happen to have that same "uncanny knack". :squirrel_evil:
Re: Ghost Town from the upcoming Legendary Map Pack Wow, great job, especially due to the fact that you only had a few pictures. Queued for...
I decided to do something artistic with the pictures. Besides, all of the map is shown throughout the screenshots.
Sniper Field v2 Created by voivod84 [br] Supported Gametypes: Prey v2 (Infection variant) [br] Map Description As was to be expected, my first...
I agree. Maps with lots of weapons can be fun for a while, but eventually they get old when you die the second you see someone. Maps that are...
Hmm...that's a nice idea. Nevertheless I'm probably going to end up making a v2. After a few test rounds, I have noticed that if several zombies...