Add foxfootball30...I'll play any type of custom games
The Temple By foxfootball30 Map : Halo 3 File Details Gametype : Halo 3 File Details Map Description The Temple is...
I like the idea of a bumpy offroad map. I think the coolest part is the long path of short barriers. Maybe you could make the paths a little wider...
The map isn't supposed to be an exact remake of No Mercy, but its supposed to have the same feeling. To LionsNate, theres an option called...
No Mercy Based off Left 4 Dead By foxfootball30 (You MUST read this if you want to understand how this map works) Map Description: No Mercy is a...
The cover starts spawning 10 seconds into the game so the zombies won't get spawn killed. Also, you can't make things disappear.
If you actually read my reply to somebody else then you would know the answer.
The merging isn't meant to be straight up and down. It's supposed to be like Epicenter's walls if you've played on that map, a little slanted.
The zombies are at 150% speed, 200% gravity and I believe they have 50% health. Also, the cover spawns soon into the game so the zombies arn't...
The Frontline By foxfootball30 and Teddy405 Map Gametype...
Some spots seem left open and too many weapons but still looks great. 4/5
We made it so the zombies spawn all over their box area. That way, it takes longer to find and kill them allowing most of them to escape.
Invasion By Teddy405 and foxfootball30 Map : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Gametype Default "Infection" Gametype Invasion...
This is my first map on forgehub so please excuse me if I make a mistake. The map I made is called BR Arena. There are 4 stations for 2 people...