wow... some walls, double boxes sword. i could do that in 20 minutes, Better!
This is not a good post A moderater will tell you Like now
uhh. not alot of work. 2bases and mancanons wow.....
Nice concept, Good execution DL
Uhhh.... Its big?
Cool DL
Sweet if u no when the 1 with avalanche is coming PM me
ummmm... ok..... Not diggin the Honor system
Sweet 1st post. Looks cool 4 heroic Good work
Flashback!!! Iam legend
Ive lost interest already
cool nice Floating SWEET
No legendary....... Ughhh o well Still sweet map nice detail
FIRST POST!!!!! Nice U-turn thingy DL
Sweeeeeeeeeeeeet. Dl!!!
The Zombs get lift after a minute
Heck ill join. Map in progress on Avalanche! WooHoo! Themandon3 is my GTag. nice work BTW
There is another Hoth map on Foundry but SNOWbound fits the mood. Good Job
Hmm Sounds Formiliar. Mc'ds, BK, sorry but its been done b4
Looks ok. I dont really like Blackout though.