Hello Forgehub! I was did a thread last time talking about if it's possible to fix the uneven objects. I noticed that there really wasn't any...
It does, I already know that it does that's what I mean when I did some testing a few moments ago. Edited by merge: That I may have to try,...
Hello everyone, I really hope you guys are enjoying Halo 4 so far but I know that forge is a pain in the butt for some of you especially me. Why...
Alright dude! Hope to play with you/forge with you soon :]
Hey Noxiw,remember Confetti HD/C0NF3TTI or jacster9? I came back to forge again. Hit me up on Xbox when you get the chance. GT:Renders Hope...
Looks pretty good. Just fix up the weapon placement and your all good my brother. :D
Well here's the thing. I have a soft kill at spawn for those who camp and are AFK. And i even tried to reverse the spawns and even the mouse...
Hey guys,I'm new to ForgeHub but I used to be a forger on here a while back in Halo 3 times. Anyways to the point. So i'm making a Cat N'...