nice map
nice one!
nice maps but I don't understand how you make theobject under the floor??
if you do it longuer do it a little bit larger
I think I explain that on my first post? if you don't see it's because im french and I put my picture in my new french site. it's ok?
Cr0ok3d , I don't see the ( new topic ) button in the bungie forum and I can't post my map! can you help me?
for the doanload link, in the bungie forum there no ( new topic) button and I can't post my map! help me someone plz
yess....... thank for the compliment!!! ok me a good name for MY map
oups! I fix this now sorry edit1: I can't post a topic........I post my maps in the maps variant in halo 3 forum?
good work ! nice concept
^^ the name is not important XD I call it the bridge just because that sound cool there no bridge in this ^^
I put the link! you can now download it ^^
Re: foxhole nice map! like the rocket place ^^
Re: Different Level HOW! I was thinking that my map the greatest map ever CREATE! ^^ very good map. I download it right after the school friday ^^
exept these two things this map can be a good map in the futur( if you put something more )
this is so more compliquate XD my x360 is in my father house and i'm in my mother house BUT tomorow after the school I can do it ^^ ! is it ok? oh...
I fix the image and for the link I don't forgot but i can't play the week ^^ and I don't have my map in my file share^^ but friday I FIX IT^^
Hello! it's the first time a post my maps and i'm so happy to do it here ^^. ok if you read my presentation you know now that i'm not very good in...
:squirrel_wtf: HOLY MACARONI! this is so amazing ! I can't want to play a CTF now ^^. good work!
hi everybody! I'm new here and I want to forge like a god like you !! haha seriously I am a french canadians like iron dynamite and I can't want...