I really like the design of this map. It seems to have been a map that was put much thought into it and I love the color coated rooms for easy...
I'm loving the theme and that already made me Download it!
Yeah I can do that.
I guess this is more of a poll. I expanded on my answer and I just want to hear what other people think
I have noticed a lot of people on Halo Reach complain about "Oh this map needs more aesthetics." So you add aesthetics. Then you get the "Well...
Let Me put in a description of the place aswell as a pic of the cave/gate. Edited by merge: I put the Thumbnail picture at the start. That...
Actually I'm not a newcomer (New Account). My map making style is making sure the game plays well and at least has a theme. I have a theme and the...
I tried to work a lot on gameplay and frankly I couldn't see how i would be able to put more color into this.
Scrutiny [IMG] Map Description This map is located on the cave entrance on the edge of the beach. The cave is Gated off and that is part...
Hello everyone, I have been working on this map for quite a while and finally am able to show it off! This map underwent many different versions...