I just tap right bumper and A at pretty much the same time.
Map Name: Logic Gamertag: Cryptic Ferret Recommended Players: competitive Recommended Gametypes: Slayer, oddball, koth, ctf Map is done, but a...
Thanks man. Very helpful.
I want to have static spawns on my map for ctf and slayer, as in, red always spawns on red side and blue always spawns on blue. When a gametype...
Things changed: Replaces sniper with overshield moved initial spawns added a little more cover on the base bridges, along with walls behind it so...
I like it but could you make the mohawks more mohawkish?
Thanks, Chondo. I can't figure out how to get regular weapon spawns to work. I put them on my sanc remake but the wouldn't show up when I went to...
That's a very untrue statement. You forget that sprint is now in this game. You can spring across any open gap in less than 2 seconds. As for...
Halo 4: Oddball on Logic v1 - Magic Hands Medal! - YouTube Halo 4 Logic v1.1 - YouTube Hey guys. I have a 4v4 map that supports slayer, ctf,...
That's cool, but I kinda need specifics. I don't really know what you guys are talking about when you say sloppy merging. There's no overlapping...
If you give me specific locations I would be happy to see what I can do with them. Edited by merge: The poor choice of objects/sloppy...
2-8 player map. Has sword and sniper with mlg drop spawn and times. Works for many gametypes. Mostly 2 levels with 2 attics. Long hallways and a...
What do you guys think?
[IMG] My first map posted to this site. It's a lot of fun for mlg gametypes. Small-medium size, symmetrical, works well for everything from 1v1...