The entire point of this was for Sins to get publicity, not for a real converstaion. But i love him :)
happy birthday
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Hey pulpapple. Remember me? We played crazy's wraith map today and I was just looking throught forge hub and I saw your name so hi i guess
I like the pattern on the floor, it looks very pretty. Good job on no framerate lag. It would be very cool to see this map in matchmaking. To me...
ODST is ok but i perfer the halo 3 soundtrack. The halo wars soundtrack sounds good too
First off im new so hello. So anyways I wanna know how are you guys inspired to make maps. It would be interesting to see how some of the great...
Im gonna send that kid a message just like that to him
Boats are genius. Im getting a gun and getting on Erupt's boat.
Very cool map. I like all the levels and color and feel. Its also good that you switched the walls up and didnt use ugly overused coliseum walls....
I would gather family and friends and tell them to start gathering food/supplies. If possible i would check the news for updates on the infection....
To me this map looks like a matchmaking map. The gameplay is fun and the layout is balanced. Maybe add some more aesthetics if budget allows....
Usually for small maps such as this verticality is heavily needed and u imputted that excellently in this map. Gameplay looked smooth, the map was...