nice job on making everything look covenant. I'd love to see more covenant themed maps from you! are you only doing remakes for now or are you...
the reach map spire blew my mind always. bungie set out to make a map with essentially a huge tower in the center that overlooks everything below,...
consistently the most inventive forger out there, never stop trying to do things differently with competitive maps, ventricle was so inventive...
amazing looking map, for halo 4's standards, this would look incredible remade in halo reach, i can't stand the damn "white with black lines...
this might be the best looking halo 4 forge map ive seen so far, i can't forge in halo 4, ive tried time and time again but whenever i try most of...
DISLIKES: .the forge pieces have an even worse color palette compared to reach's .places to forge at suck, i just wish they remade forge world...
^ yes please
omg, from just the two pictures im so excited to see the whole damn thing, i love the way you're making different entrances and the way you're...
the map looks ok, i like how it seems to play well with it having a really open feel to it, but the grav lifts do damage when you land on the...
Relapse- Remember Isao Operator- SaVaGe SpAnK Impact Zone- Cheiyijei some really unique layout designs and feels with these maps, the doors...
just no
My only real complaint is to stay away from using pieces exactly how they were intended, sometimes it's ok, but the wall 2x4's really ruin themes...
this map looks awesome, i totally will give you props for originality, it definitely is styled alot like your other maps on forgehub, i can...
im not sure if i understand the layout enough to comment on it, but like xzample said, it looks like there are dead ends, which normally sucks...
i tried deleting them entirely and just leaving blank space, it felt like an entirely new map, and i really don't wanna cover the glass up...
the map looks solid, the only problem is it looks too much like everyone else's mid-sized maps, i can't really see aspects that are super original...
Nice looking map, i love the generator looking thing with the sniper towers, although i can't really figure out the layout of the map from the...
the healthpack peice was placed there to save budget, i know it doesn't look great. imma have to start putting out map previews because you guys...
i didn't see any frame rate anywhere, i sure hope there's none...? your talking about the light with the teleporter frame right, yeah that was...
i realize there are frame rate issues, if i remove the glass then i remove the feel the map has as a building, idk, im ok with the map having a...