The map has not been tested and there are several things that could be changed. Falcons, vehicals in general and shield doors. And the amount of...
Yes, I will try to post it as fast as I can, maybe with some more photos :). It will probably take a couple of days.
Hi everyone! I want to introduce you to my newest map Scar. The map itself is based on the wall in the middle of the map. Imagination is what...
Yeeeh and i did a map preview with shitty photos in it! Yeehy... All for this xD
Haha yeeh, therefor the feedback. First i tried it out with tanks. As you said, it were no fluid gameplay. Therefor did I replace the tanks with...
This map is called Aheadmania and it is a map with two bases which are symmetrical. The idea grew out from the first halo game. The snow map,...
Maybe it will, i shoud actually do that! Thanks for the tip!
Hi! This is my first post on this site. This map was made with the thought of the "wild west". Non symetrical. Houses providing cover, feilds...
That explains it. thanks.
Hi. So how does this map testing work?
Thanks for the reply. The limit of the map is 14(16). It will work just fine with 8 players. :)
Hi, I heard your group tested maps. There is one map I would like to get some respons to. You will find it on my file share, Gamertag: wErod93...
I saw your group testing out others maps. Then there is on map, made by me, which you find in my file share. Called: Amarillo . Gamertag: wErod93...
Is there any chanse for me to join your group, Got a bunch of maps, which i would like to get some response to?