Thanks man, it's hard to get enough people this close to the release of Halo 4 to test maps out on Reach. If anyone would like to help me out and...
That's not the issue, it was already set to normal and on a flat surface, and most of the weapons have different spawn times, thanks though!...
Maybe it would be better if they used something more along the lines of the arena ratings, where you play a few games and get rated for each game...
I'm not sure, my friend is an inheritor now and had plenty of time to get his BPR up. Besides, lot's of good players have bad BPR....
I'm not sure BPR would work too well. My BPR is 81 and my friends is 71, yet he is a better player than I am, I can maybe score 5 kills on him in...
That's completely understandable, I was just stating what I thought was needed. Exactly why I was asking, what have you done to change the...
Looks awesome so far, though I agree, it did take me a second to find the pickaxe. If you're still looking for testers send me an invite the next...
Grumble, grumble... I think we need more than one picture for each map to be more convinced to download them for ourselves, or that could just be...
There might be a small bump but nothing too noticeable, and it also prevents later problems such as frame rate lag. Pretty good though for your first!
Looks really nice, i'm liking all the height differences but the covenant crates don't seem to fit in (to me at least). If you need more testing...
@Eightball, thanks for giving feedback, yeah I know the name is lame, i'm just not good at naming maps. If you have any suggestions please let me...
Updated the map! Removed Sniper Rifles because they seemed to control the game, moved DMR to Sniper location and put Needle Rifles in it's place,...
A small, symmetrical map for 2v2 or 1v1. Can be used for Team Slayer, Free For All, 2v2v2v2 (multi-team), Capture the Flag or King of the Hill....
Thanks for the feedback RoboArtist, I appreciate it. It was mostly intended for 1v1 or 2v2 because of its tiny size.
Description: Unused for a millennia, this forerunner installation has become overgrown with vegitation. Will it's secrets ever be uncovered?...