These guys are not friends of mine. This rant is just so stupid, if you don't agree don't comment. If you think you are on top of the world on...
Subscriber World Highlights #1 - YOU BLIND BRO?!? - YouTube
Minecraft Xbox 360: The Invisible Glitch - AMAZING Troll - YouTube
Thanks and I will probably post this in the Minecraft thread.
I still have it, I am going to upload it soon.
I know right. That was a little wierd but it was nicely done. Not only for the editing but the story was ok.
I usually use the same password for everything, but for my YouTube channel I use a different one. It isn't only me who runs my channel, so if I...
TOFU Subscriber World Preview - YouTube
Pretty sure your talking about Skin Pack 2
I don't like being famous at all. Every time I built a map in Reach I got better and better. What I am trying to say is that Reach's forge is...
Cool, my position is defenceman. The AI is alot better? Are you saying that is the only change you noticed so far? I really hope they fix the...
I am a big hockey fan. I have played the sport almost all my life. The NHL games are good, but there isn't a big difference from the last game.
Honestly, I am almost done building a linear infection map, I plan on completing it, After this last map I am done forging on Reach for GOOD! I am...
Well a plane crash has been done before, but I really like how the camp ground looks and where the map is located on forge world. What is the play...
Yup, I know what you mean. I have a friend who always asks me what is my favorite song (sample convo: me- "I like Stairway to Heaven" him- "That...
So, can we help each other out on youtube?
I had that same exact avatar as you a while back, wierd.