Actually, gobbles, it's quite the opposite. LCD is much more expensive than plasma. Want a 52" LCD 1080p television from, oh, let's say Samsung?...
Hey, I was kidding whilst calling you a noob, don't come back and flame me.
You are a noob. 1) The HUD will only leave burn if you don't switch weapons, get rid of grenades, etc. It's not a problem. 2) He said 7 foot by...
Well, obviously none of you read that I said there is virtually no screen burn unless you are a noob and leave Halo on the pause screen for 3...
I don't mind hiding tactically as you are describing, but doing it for every match does not sound sufficient or efficient. What I find good about...
Entirely worth it. If you have any pleasure in any RPG at all, it is top of the line. Best RPG I've played to date (which will change when TES V...
No no no kids! LCD is not the solution. I work at a TV and stereo place here in town, as it has been handed down from my grandfather, and I can...
Um, there is specific criteria you HAVE to follow. Otherwise your map is deleted off of the forum if a period of time has passed without modifying...
As I said, changes are being made this afternoon. My friend was helping me with this and he sent me the list of weapons and such, and I just...
I am going to edit a few things tomorrow afternoon, so if you want to see this with some changes, you've got it tomorrow.
OK, fine. I'll get rid of the power weapons... ;)
I really didn't consider there being 5 power weapons on the map, actually. Three - beam rifle, flamethrower, brute shot. I've tested and the...
Axis This map is a very close quarters battle phenomenon, drawing you towards your opponents at every turn. Suitable for 1 on 1, up-to-5-player...
I thought as well that the weapons might have been a bit overdone. I shall change this! And the posts were due to the fact that when you edit, it...
I know I seem like a *****, but this has had plenty of views and not a single comment. Any criticisms at all? I can take constructive criticism...
That is what I assumed. They have a live chat feature that connects you with people at Pinnacle, and they have been helpful with me in the past....
The "HXC" not only comes from me living the straight edge lifestyle, but it is the name of my clan, presumably as "hardcore". "BLAQK" is part of...
I'm hoping this is in the correct place. I've just finished installing and hooking up my Pinnacle DVC 170. The trouble here is with the software....
I don't know if any of the viewers noticed that the link was messed up since you didn't post, but I fixed it now. Part bump.
Tower of Terror This is a very all-around map, surmising the slayer, team slayer, oddball, one bomb, one flag, territories, and infection game...