Yeah, about that. I'm not entirely sure if this is what you mean, but in the gametype we're getting from multi-team tuesday, CA has outlined...
Yeah, there's 2 tags that goals are usually labeled with, rico_hoop and rico_endzone. rico_hoop is what allows players the ability to just throw...
You might want to wait until for 3rd next month Nut since CA has been so kind as to provide us with a much upgraded version of Ricochet in the...
- First things first: What are the dimensions for both the slider and recent article pictures? I'm sure some here would like to pitch in and...
For those of you wondering what's in Destiny, you might want to check out the latest Mail Sack from Bungie Bungie : News Things of note are that...
Alright, that makes more sense now that I go over it a few times and what I was thinking wasn't what I had meant to say, kinda. I think at least....
Now, I do have a question about this line here: [/LIST] What exactly does that mean? Can you provide any insight into what the structure of...
I don't know if you guys accept sources like Giant Bomb, but it is an interesting read regardless and even better if it's true....
As something simple to start the restoration process with, updating the theme with what we had all voted on a while back. A simple change indeed...
I'm just going to leave this here: Xbox One: What We Do and Don't Know - IGN
Waypoint finally has online fileshares up and working, so if you put the screenshots in your fileshare and download them off of the web just like...
Yeah, the Suppressor was a great change out for the storm rifle, not too powerful but enough to pick up at least 1 kill with it. Though, 1 more...
As was said in the lobby the other day, the storm rifle was a bit powerful for such close quarters, but might I suggest a Suppressor to replace...
[IMG] This structure sits atop the cliff edge watching the unatural landscape of Requium. ß 0.6 Hello everybody, It's been a while since I've...
The only thing I can really suggest is making the hard kills soft and maxing out it's upward height or covering up the open portions of the map...
Aside from the fact that Jeff just says "Slayer" finally and that it's FFA? Nothing as far as I can tell. Here's a video of it for anyone...
One method I've used for getting floors to align perfectly is by using magnets. What I have done is set up a sort of central piece I want to align...
If you're only going to be using vehicles for decorative purposes, a trait zone around the vehicle disabling use should work well. Just place the...
Hot Potato settings are in fact still there, hidden under some sub-menu that I can't be bothered to get the exact name of at the moment. I've even...