If I have enough inspiration ill be sure to enter! Best of luck everyone!!
Love the map buddy, be more than glad to help you out in testing it! :D
Love the look of this!! :) Great Job Buddy
Alrighty , ill be sure to edit the Post , and thanks for the feedback .. I do have a competitive version with colors and such, and ill work in...
Faded Faded is my brand new 1v1 - 2v2 Slayer/Objective Map built with Height Variation and drop downs and jump-ups. The 1v1 gameplay is smooth...
I remember this map in Customs!!.. I loved it .. very equal balance between the two tanks!! :)
I like the idea of the Map!! it would be cool if it were to be bigger so then you could have more people play it! Nice Action Screenshots though!! :)
The Weapon Layout looks to be okay!!.. but I agree with OrangeDrone .. would love to see some Interior Photos!!
I loved the way you used the ramps and inclines.. not a lot of people use them to there full advantage !! Nice Work .. Invite me sometime for a...
Behemoth .. you know this is going to be a positive feedback!!.. LOVED THE F***ING MAP!!! Truly .. I loved working with you in other words.. being...
im in the works of making a Photobucket account
[IMG][/IMG] This Map is a 4v4 Slayer and Objective map , it plays with Extraction, King of the Hill and Oddball, and 6 Person Free For All ,...
Love the look of it and so clean of a drawing I might have to start doing that!!, and what sort of power weapon were you thinking??
Hey Behemoth, Great Map , looks great has some others said add some color like purple yes defiantly add purple! :P and I noticed when running...
Great Looking Map Again!! Loved Playing it, Congratulations Xinshu.. Keep them coming!!
The Look of the first picture makes it look so intriguing, I love the look of it I say great job!!
I love in the first photo has the aesthetic walls on the 45 degree angle and the curve (Agreeing with Pa1nts) So Great Job -Legend
Great Maps, I love them all , and your forging style, so you already know what im saying!!