This map looks really cool right now but it looks unfinished. You should add more structure to make the map more filled
I like the map overall and I agree with chronmeister. I think though that you should reduce the long lines of sight, the map is well segmented...
As I said in the old thread this map will probably not be undergoing many changes for a while. If enough suggestions build up overtime I will try...
What you did is great, thanks a lot!
I just made a new thread for it in the map discussion. Tell me if I did something wrong or not. I appreciate it
Cascade This map is a 4-8 player symmetric, atrium styled map. It's original concept was inspired by the map Broken Wings by Aschur and has a few...
I like the idea but I do think it should be made a little easier to use. I'm not sure how you could do it but I think it could be done
Could you move my map cascade into the finished maps section? thanks
This is going to probably be the last update for this map. I tried to fix it up a little bit (there are now 2-way nodes on the highest balconies...
So how did people like the changes to cascade? Should I keep them, remove then, change them or anything else?
You should really try to work on the flooring with all of the 4x4 corners, they don't look very good but its an easy fix
I know I won't be able to make it but if you don't mind could you guys test out cascade again? I made a new version in an attempt to fix some...
I made a major new addition to the back/rocket side of the map. It now has an upper level accessable via gravlift at the back and jumps from the...
I think the halo CEA had the best forge overall. It didn't have dynamic lighting but the pieces (especially on Hang 'em High) were absolutely...
Thank you guys for the feedback, I will try to make some changes to the layout/structure and then update the post
OK, I just kind of assumed a good 1v1 map should be asymmetrical because those are the only ones I've really seen. If the map were to be...
I recently started a 1v1 map and just to experiment because I have never attempted one before. I've played on it once and it was ok. School...
Did you guys get a chance to play cascade?
Thanks. Ill go and check to see if that's the problem
I was just checking my settings and I realized my birth year was wrong, I must have made a typo. I was wondering if you could change it. The...